Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a proven therapy that is cost effective and produces lasting results. People who benefit from CBT typically want to change something about themselves to improve their lives and emotional well being. CBT provides people with individualized goals which can be practiced in between treatment sessions. Over time, people tend to think differently about life events and begin to change their behavioral reactions.
CBT has been proven effective in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions, including anxiety, mood, personality, substance abuse, eating, psychotic and tic disorders. However, CBT can be used to simply change something we don’t like about ourselves. Many CBT treatment programs for specific problems have been evaluated for usefulness. The healthcare trend of using therapy which has proven to work has favored CBT over many other treatment approaches.
CBT was developed from the combination of behavior therapy and cognitive therapy. While these two therapies are rooted in different theories, the two found common ground in centering on the here and now and on making us feel better. The idea of CBT is that changing errors in our thinking leads to changes in how we feel and behave. The CBT process helps individuals challenge their thinking patterns and beliefs and replace them with healthy thinking patterns and beliefs and this reduces or eliminates symptoms.
Sharon Begley, Newsweek Science Editor and author says, "...cognitive-behavior therapy (teaching patients to think about their thoughts in new, healthier ways and to act on those new ways of thinking) are effective against depression, panic disorder, bulimia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and -posttraumatic-stress disorder, with multiple trials showing that these treatments—the tools of psychology—bring more durable benefits with lower relapse rates than drugs...Studies have also shown that behavioral couples therapy helps alcoholics stay on the wagon, and that family therapy can help schizophrenics function. Neuroscience has identified the brain mechanisms by which these interventions work, giving them added credibility." (From Psychological Science in the Public Interest, Walter Mishel’s editorial “Connecting Clinical Practice to Scientific Progress.”)
​You can read more about CBT here.
How much does it cost?​
Monaco & Associates charges an hourly fee for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. In most cases, this fee is covered by private health insurance or your medical card (Medicaid). For those who do not have private insurance or a medical card (Medicaid), our fee is calculated using a sliding scale based on household income. If you think you would benefit from CBT or would like more information, contact us.
The Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Health is a member of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science.
For more information, please contact Greg Ditch:
(800) 798-1309 or (785) 272-5501, x106